
AIFC: Waaban Ogimaawag (Tomorrow’s Leaders) – Youth Basketball Skills Camp

Harding High School 1540 6th Street E, Saint Paul

AIFC's Waaban Ogimaaawag (Tomorrow's Leaders) invites youth ages 7-18 to participate in a basketball skills camp taught by Greer Hoops. We will work on skills, drills, and competitions for all ages and levels of learners. Beginners to elite-level players are welcome to come and participate. Please bring indoor basketball shoes, a basketball and plenty of […]

AIFC: Wakanyeja Kin Wakan Pi (Our Children Are Sacred) – Women & Mother’s Support Group

American Indian Family Center (AIFC) 579 Wells St, Saint Paul

Beginning Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from noon to 1:30 PM, mothers-to-be, or mothers with children up to 13 months are invited to join Wakanyeja Kin Wakan Pi (Our Children Are Sacred)'s Women and Mother's Support Group, facilitated by AIFC's Mother and Women's Outreach Specialist, Chenoa Stout. This is a weekly support group that will cover […]