
Empowering All Generations to Raise Healthy Families

The journey of building a strong, healthy family doesn’t have to happen on your own. Whatever role you play as a parent, grandparent or community member, you will find support in the family programs at AIFC.

Bimaadiziwin Mikana

(The Path of Life) Family Program

A family support program that values healing and community connections. The focus of this group is on traditional life ways, resiliency and strength and using that to bring balance to the mental, spiritual, physical and emotional health of our families. Anyone who is serving in a parenting role to children ages 1 year or older is welcome to participate in this program.


Family Spirit Home-Visiting

Ombi'Ayaa Anishinaabe-Ininiiwug

(Rise Up Original Men)

Join other men to participate in your culture and explore your identity as an American Indian man in today’s world.

Activities include:

  • Weekly father & men’s group and drumming group
  • Traditional ceremonies, including sweat lodge
  • Cultural events, including sugar bush and ricing
  • Health and food sovereignty education

Wakanyeja Kin Wakan Pi

(Our Children Are Sacred)

Women who are pregnant or parenting children 13 months or younger will find a home here for parenting support that is based in traditional culture and wellness.

This program includes:

  • Parent education on infant safety and health
  • Nutrition and prenatal education
  • Home visits and connection to resources
  • Mother’s Circle support group
  • Case management

Upcoming Family Services Events

October 28 @ 6:00 pm

AIFC: Ombi’ayaa Anishinaabe-Ininiiwug (Rise Up Original Men) – Men’s Smudge and Support Group

Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center

Join American Indian Family Center’s Father & Men’s Outreach Specialist, Nate Bordeaux, for an in-person Men’s Smudge and Support Group. It will be a potluck, so… Read More

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