
AIFC: [Virtual Event] AIFC: Khunsi Onikan – Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12 Steps Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open to anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addiction. Every Thursday at 7 pm CST, AIFC’s Khunsi Onikan program will sponsor a culturally based recovery support Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12-step meeting for the community; anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addictions is welcome to attend. No need to register in advance. Click […]

AIFC: [Virtual Event] AIFC: Khunsi Onikan – Well-Anon (Native American Al-Anon) Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open to anyone wanting to learn to have healthy boundaries and healthy relationships with the other addicts/alcoholics in their lives. Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM CST for help and hope. Suppose you have a loved one dealing with addiction. In that case, our Khunsi Onikan Program sponsors these weekly Native American culturally-based, one-hour […]

AIFC: Housing Rights Jeopardy Night

Are you wondering what your rights are as a tenant, especially during Covid? Join us for a night of virtual Housing Jeopardy! Our Housing Team will also be available to answer questions about Housing Services available at AIFC.

AIFC: [Virtual Event] AIFC: Khunsi Onikan – Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12 Steps Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open to anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addiction. Every Thursday at 7 pm CST, AIFC’s Khunsi Onikan program will sponsor a culturally based recovery support Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12-step meeting for the community; anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addictions is welcome to attend. No need to register in advance. Click […]

AIFC: [Virtual Event] AIFC: Khunsi Onikan – Well-Anon (Native American Al-Anon) Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open to anyone wanting to learn to have healthy boundaries and healthy relationships with the other addicts/alcoholics in their lives. Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM CST for help and hope. Suppose you have a loved one dealing with addiction. In that case, our Khunsi Onikan Program sponsors these weekly Native American culturally-based, one-hour […]

AIFC: [Virtual Event] AIFC: Khunsi Onikan – Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12 Steps Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open to anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addiction. Every Thursday at 7 pm CST, AIFC’s Khunsi Onikan program will sponsor a culturally based recovery support Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12-step meeting for the community; anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addictions is welcome to attend. No need to register in advance. Click […]

AIFC: [Virtual Event] AIFC: Khunsi Onikan – Well-Anon (Native American Al-Anon) Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open to anyone wanting to learn to have healthy boundaries and healthy relationships with the other addicts/alcoholics in their lives. Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM CST for help and hope. Suppose you have a loved one dealing with addiction. In that case, our Khunsi Onikan Program sponsors these weekly Native American culturally-based, one-hour […]

AIFC: [Virtual Event] AIFC: Khunsi Onikan – Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12 Steps Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open to anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addiction. Every Thursday at 7 pm CST, AIFC’s Khunsi Onikan program will sponsor a culturally based recovery support Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12-step meeting for the community; anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addictions is welcome to attend. No need to register in advance. Click […]

AIFC: [Virtual Event] AIFC: Khunsi Onikan – Well-Anon (Native American Al-Anon) Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open to anyone wanting to learn to have healthy boundaries and healthy relationships with the other addicts/alcoholics in their lives. Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM CST for help and hope. Suppose you have a loved one dealing with addiction. In that case, our Khunsi Onikan Program sponsors these weekly Native American culturally-based, one-hour […]

AIFC: [Virtual Event] AIFC: Khunsi Onikan – Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12 Steps Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Open to anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addiction. Every Thursday at 7 pm CST, AIFC’s Khunsi Onikan program will sponsor a culturally based recovery support Wellbriety/Medicine Wheel 12-step meeting for the community; anyone wanting to work on recovery from any addictions is welcome to attend. No need to register in advance. Click […]

AIFC: Housing Support Talking Circle

If you are American Indian and have experienced or are currently experiencing homelessness, we want you to share your opinions about services you received and challenges you faced. First 10 people to register and participate will receive a gift card. Register at the website link below.