The program provides:
1) Assistance in completing the Saint Paul College application
2) Guidance on completing the FAFSA (Financial Aid) application
3) Support by partnering students with an American Indian College Navigator to walk with students on their college journey
4) Support for both academic (tutoring and mentoring) and career planning
6) Cultural enrichment opportunities
5) Support obtaining paid internships with local American Indian businesses and organizations
Who: Any student who identifies as American Indian will graduate by June 2022 or a recent high school graduate who wants to start or restart their college journey.
When: Recruitment begins in September through May of a student’s senior year. Students will meet monthly with the College Navigator through June to establish a cohesive and supportive peer cohort through cultural events and fun outings. The Summer Bridge Transition Program cohort will begin in June, shortly after graduation. The College Navigator will continue with students in June and offer free services until the student obtains their diploma or degree. In addition, each year will support students who will be helped to acquire a paid internship in their career field of choice while at Saint Paul College.
This opportunity is only available through Saint Paul College, located in St. Paul, MN.
Why: Saint Paul College, SPPS Indian Education, the American Indian Family Center, and Right Track have formed a collaboration to create a culturally-responsive high school to the college transition program. We acknowledge that our American Indian students have goals, dreams, and aspirations. As a community, we can provide students with a robust support system to guide them along their college journey.
Interested? Please get in touch with John Bobolink, SPPS Program Supervisor at 651-293-5191 John.Bobolink@spps.org, Pam Gokey, AIFC Youth Services Manager and Four Directions Pathway to SPC College Navigator at 651-793-3803, Pam.Gokey@aifcmn.org, or Theo Naawakweose Marcil, AIFC Youth Empowerment Specialist, at 651-399-2084, Theodore.Marcil@aifcmn.org.