April 2022

52nd Anniversary of Earth Day

Earth Month, celebrated in April, is a month-long emphasis on the planet, sustainability, and how you can make the world a better place.

Rivers on fire, acid rain falling from the sky, species are going extinct, oil spills, polluted air, and undrinkable water. We didn’t think of our planet as a place to preserve for so long. And then, in the 1960s and 1970s, that changed. Democrats and Republicans, with overwhelming public support, came together to pass a sweeping legislative agenda around environmental protection.

On April 22, 2022, people around the planet will come together to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. A day to remind us how precious Mother Earth is and a reminder to Honor her on this day and every day after.

To learn more about the history of Earth Day, check out this great video from NPR

Here are ten simple things you can do to make a
difference for our planet that cost absolutely nothing
  • Follow the 3 R’s: Look for ways you can Reduce, Reuse and Recycle throughout your home. You’ll save natural resources, energy, and money.
  • Conserve energy at home: Turn off lights and electronics when not in use, use a programmable thermostat, and regularly change your air filter. You can do many small things to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while saving money on your utility bills.
  • Reduce paper waste: Think twice before printing things at work and home. You can reduce your mail by using online payment options that avoid paper bills.
  • Recycle your electronics: Your old, unused, or broken computers, tablets, phones, and other electronics can often be recycled for free by stores, manufacturers, and local governments, which saves natural resources while also reducing pollution.
  • Give your car a break: Driving to work or running errands, occasionally leave your car at home. Maybe you can walk, ride a bike, carpool, or take public transportation. You’ll save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and get more exercise.
  • Please turn off the water: Whether you’re brushing your teeth, washing dishes, or taking a shower, turn off the water when it’s not needed.
  • Bring your bags: Use a backpack or bag from home, or buy reusable bags that you can use again and again.
  • Buy local: Buying local produce and other items reduces shipping distances from overseas food and support local businesses and communities.
  • Go on a beach clean: If you want to help get rid of some of the plastic waste in your area, going on a beach clean is a great and fun way to do this.
  • Farmer’s market: Farmer’s markets are a great way to get fresh produce and are beneficial. Firstly, they support local businesses, encouraging positive growth in your area. They also tend to use a lot less or even no plastic packaging compared to supermarkets, so it helps reduce waste. Finally, the products are grown or made locally, so transport distances are very short, and CO2 emissions are low. 


In celebration of (Mother) Earth Day, we would like to highlight and honor Mother Earth by sharing a couple of American Indian creation stories.


In the Anishinaabe/Ojibwe creation story, after “The Great Flood” wiped out the land, Waynaboozhoo sacrificed his life to swim to the bottom of the water to grab some Earth to start anew. With the help of a small yet mighty animal and a turtle, a new Earth was born. From “The Mishomis Book” by Eddie Benton Banai, you can read a full Anishinaabe creation story here.

In the Lakota origin story, Iyan didn’t want to be alone anymore, so Iyan used their blood to create Mother Earth, the sky, and the water. You can watch a short re-telling of this origin story by
Elder Duane Hollow Horn Bear below.


Luther Standing Bear
Luther Standing Bear

These prayers by Chief Yellow Lark and the quote from Chief Luther Standing Bear remind us to take time to listen to the wonder of God’s creation. It reminds me to notice not just the majestic mountains outside my window but also the small and seemingly insignificant creatures that are so vital to the healthy thriving of our world. It also reminds me to sit quietly in the presence of the One who has created all things and whose great love is revealed in every dimension of that creation.


Artist Note: As one, we must learn to walk in a sacred manner. When we make ourselves pure, we bring in the light.

As one we walk this earth together

As one we sing to her our song

As one we love her

As one we heal her

Her heart beats with our own as one

As one we join with her our mother

As one we feel her sacred song

As one we touch her

As one we heal her

Her heart beats with our own as one


Written by Denean 

© Copyright 1991 Sacred Earth Music, BMI

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0ipHxDiHZw
The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water

Return, return, return, return

The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water

Return, return, return, return

Heya, heya, heya, heya

Heyo, heyo, heyo, heyo

Heya, heya, heya, heya

Heyo, heyo, heyo, heyo

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Lindie Lila

Video: http://youtu.be/GRPPx_7M0k8

Remember to give thanks to Mother Earth each and every day, especially on Earth Day!  For more information about Earth day, please follow this link: EarthDay.org.

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